Greencastle Livestock Market, Inc. has started a new program: Owner Certified Natural Feeder Cattle Program. For more details, call Chad at 717-729-5980.
Owner Certified Natural Feeder Cattle Program Affidavit
The following text provides guidelines required to certify animals at Greencastle Livestock Market. For full text, download the Owner Certified Natural Affidavit.
The undersigned acknowledges that he/she has consigned cattle to Greencastle Livestock Market, Inc. and has the authority to represent them as “OWNER CERTIFIED NATURAL”.
The undersigned certifies that he/she is the original owner of the consigned cattle or if not the original owner, agrees to supply signed “All Natural” certification from the original owner.
The under signed certifies that said cattle have never ever received and will not receive:
- Lonophores – (Rumensin, Bovatec, Cattlyst, Gain-Pro)
- Antibiotices and/or Slfas – fed or injected (Auremycin, Nuflor, Draxxin, CTC, Albon)
- Growth promoting hormones/steroids – fed, oral or injected ( Revalor, MGA, Lutalyse, Ralgro, Dexamethsdone)
- Beta Adrenoceptor – agonist – fed or injected (Optaflexx)
- Any type of Animal By-Product in feedstuffs, mineral supplements or feed tubs: Fish Oil, Milk Replacers, Animal Fat, Feather Meal, Poultry Litter, Yellow Grease, or Any type of by-product from fish, birds or mammals.
This list of prohibited products is NOT limited to only the examples given.
Please review your feedstuffs, minerals and supplements for actual ingredient content before signing the Owner Certified Natural Affidavit.